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Are We All Just 3 Skin Types?

Oily, Dry, Combination…

It was 1915 when first the 3 type skin categorization system was introduced by innovator and ground-breaking skin care entrepreneur – Helena Rubinstein. Regrettably her system is still widely used today more than 100 years later.

Today, imaging technology as well as focused, user-derived data is now transforming the way we analyze skin conditions in real time.

As more data is gathered, the more effective machine learning as well as AI technologies can perform to better match active ingredients to each individual end user.

Over time, these technologies are able to better perfect individual formulas as well as better predict how formulas should be configures to match changes in skin condition through the life-time of an individual.


Creating a personalized skincare formula involves considering various factors such as skin type, concerns, sensitivities, and environmental factors. Personalized skincare can be achieved through consultations with skincare professionals or through the use of technology that analyze skin conditions and recommend a formula. This has always been our is our vision.

Formulation Engine

Individual Data Meets Active Ingredients by Algorithm

One skin – one formula. Our innovative Formulation Engine is at the core of our technology which matches skin condition to active ingredients based on data received from multiple sources including mobile APP. A learning AI algorithm perfects the formula as the end user continues to inter-act with the Formulation Engine providing a long term effect on the health and well being of the end user’s skin.

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